
I'm a full-stack engineer, but I tend to work on the frontend more than the backend. I've done a lot with React and TypeScript on the frontend, and I work with Node.js or Python on the backend. I find trying new technologies regularly - like GraphQL or the aforementioned Svelte - keeps things interesting.

My hobbies include baseball, video games, and studying history. I've also recently picked up wildlife photography, and it's been fun to dig into both the technical and artistic aspects of that. I live in Mansfield, CT.

Some career highlights include:

  • Building marketing pages and purchase logic for the $91m Pak NFT sale, the largest NFT sale in history and largest ever art sale by a living creator (as of this writing in June 2022)
  • Building a site that was associated with a Super Bowl commerical that received more than 1m page views and 250k signups
  • Leading a team of four to overhaul a Wordpress website for a $10m/yr company that provides training for mental health professionals
  • Writing this article about how a scrum team can think about estimating tasks. 🌯 🌯 🌯